How can retailers bring customers through the doors of their stores in 2019?
If headlines are to be believed, the in-store experience can’t compete with online. Or can it?
The retail industry is in a state of flux. With Europe’s share of the Top 250 global retailer’s revenues dropping from 39.4% to 33.8% over a ten-year period according to Deloitte, many major retailers have chosen to close some or all of their physical stores.
Despite this, there are reasons for retailers to be optimistic. We surveyed 5,000 consumers in the UK, France and Germany to understand how they feel about the in-store retail experience, and 36% of respondents felt the in-store retail experience was ahead of the online experience.
Building the Connected Store: A Retail Playbook examines why consumers head in-store, the technology they’d like to be part of the experience, and what strategies retailers need to put in place now to start building the connected store of the future.
It includes expert insight from those involved in the retail technology industry and three key plays to put in place now to start building the connected store of the future.
Download the report now to start building the store of the future.
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